SEO for Google: How to Optimize Your Website for Google

SEO for Google

Sinoun Chea

Google stands as the most popular search engine. In fact, Google processes over 40,000 search queries each second. That’s more than 3.5 billion searches a day!

With that said, Google is likely the first step for most of your business website traffic. So how can you ensure that your site appears high in search listings? The answer is optimizing your website using search engine optimization (SEO).

The answer is optimizing your website using search engine optimization (SEO) and you’ll want to put heavy emphasis on SEO for Google.

Read on to learn about SEO for Google and how it can boost your site’s traffic, visibility, and popularity.

What is SEO?

SEO is a common acronym in the marketing world. However, not many business owners understand what it is.

SEO includes the processes used to increase a website’s visibility in organic search engines. There are many nuances to SEO, including:

The most important part of SEO is ensuring that search engines are able to understand your website. At the same time, your website also needs to be visitor-friendly.

A high-ranking website is one that focuses on optimization and high visitor-friendliness.

Interested in using SEO to its fullest extent? Want to move your website up in the rankings?

If so, you’ll want to know the ins and out of SEO as well as factors Google cares about.

Keep reading for 5 tips for using SEO that Google loves!

1. Provide Quality Information

Each page on your website should offer quality content.

When on your site, visitors are looking for specific information. They want to know about your company and product/service. They want to read authoritative and informative blogs.

The most useful the content is on your website, the more visitors you will attract. Quality information will also entice other website owners to link to your site. This, in turn, drives even more traffic and visibility.

Knowing you need to create great content and doing it are two different battles. Tips for creating high-quality content include:

  • Offering original content and ideas
  • Having a strong voice and personality
  • Providing answers
  • Using accurate data, such as statistics
  • Using catchy headlines
  • Using calls to action
  • Creating other forms of content, such as infographics and videos

Visitors will appreciate quality content and Google notices!

2. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

An important part of SEO for Google is the use of keywords.

Your content should include the keywords that users are most likely to search for. If your product is washing machines, your blog posts and site content should mention washing machines.

For every 500 words of content, try to mention your keyword at least 3 times. This allows search crawlers to pick up on the keywords without the risk of being flagged.

Use keywords, but overusing them can be problematic. Keyword stuffing looks spammy and reads horribly. This works against the idea of quality content.

Keywords should be used naturally throughout your website content. Otherwise, you risk losing visitors because of content that users don’t like.

3. Build Backlinks

Having a registered domain isn’t enough. With millions of active websites, your site needs to be as popular as possible.

To be part of the in-crowd, you’ll want your website to be referenced on other sites. The more links to your website, the greater visibility it will have.

Google uses algorithms to display pages that are relevant and important. The most popular and well-ranked websites are listed first. In this instance, being first is a must.

More than 30% of traffic goes to first link on a search engine results page.

So how can you get backlinks? Proven techniques include:

  • Guest posts
  • Network with authority sites
  • Posting on geo-targeted directories
  • Answer questions on Quora
  • Report broken links

Similarly to content, quality backlinks are most important. Google cares more about 10 quality backlinks than 1000 low-quality links.

4. Take Care When Using Images

It is common for most websites to use a background image as well as a header image. Your site may also have other images, such as a logo file.

When using images, ensure they are optimized for web use. When optimizing images:

  • Ensure proper dimensions are used
  • Compress images to avoid large file sizes
  • Save images for web (an option found in most graphic design software)
  • Know your file types (ie. use JPGs for photographs and complex images)

It’s also important to avoid overuse of images. Google crawlers cannot recognize text used in graphics.

If you’ve got important information share, put it in text form.

Set on using an image? Be sure to include a useful ALT tag in HTML in your HTML. ALT tags are also useful for 508 compliance.

5. Focus on Accessibility

Successful SEO for Google relies on website accessibility. Your website needs to be designed in a way that search crawlers can understand it.

To begin, each web page should have a static text link. URLs should be as short as possible. Other URL tips include:

  • Using dashes
  • Avoiding spaces and special characters
  • Using lowercase letters only

URLs are only one part of the accessibility puzzle. You’ll also need to check for script problems. Incorrect scripting can keep a crawler from seeing the entire site.

When implementing script, avoid excessive commenting, which can lead to big file sizes. You’ll also want to remove any unused script or script that may be causing page load issues.

SEO for Google and More

The success of your company depends on the effectiveness of marketing strategies and plans.

Are you in over your head trying to figure out where to take your business next? Feel lost in the vast sea that is the Internet? Looking to give your brand a new look and feel?

At ShiftWeb Solutions, we provide all of these services and more. We know the importance of internet marketing. With our company, you can count on getting it right the first time.

Our team of experts will work to get your company the visibility it needs. Don’t suffer from poor marketing any longer!

Contact us today for a free website analysis.


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Sinoun Chea

I help small businesses Do Better Online™. When businesses thrive, people also thrive. #morethanjustbusiness

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